Juristic Data: Get corporate data from 6 registers...

Enhance your legal practice with Juristic.io – delivering precise, real-time company data and insights to support informed decisions and strengthen your case strategies.

Across border data

Juristic consolidates data from multiple registers, providing comprehensive and up-to-date information. This ensures you have all the necessary details to make well-informed legal decisions and build robust case strategies

Works together with structure

Import data into Juristic Structure in a quick and easy

See everything at one place

consolidate all your data and insights for a streamlined and efficient legal workflow

Add your own data?

You can easily add your own data, allowing you to customize and enrich the platform to suit your specific legal needs and workflows. Tax informations, GDPR informations, whatever you need.

Ready to see it?

Juristic leverages visualisation as an automation language to streamline legal deliverables, tasks, and processes. We enhance your KMS with advanced templates and AI integration.

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